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Congratulations on graduate Dr. Han-Wen Tian's paper "Fluorescent discrimination for snake venom via a dual-mode supramolecular sensor array" was accepted on Pure. Appl. Chem.
Congratulations on graduate Dr. Shun-Yu Yao's paper "Engineered hypoxia-responsive albumin nanoparticles mediating mitophagy regulation for cancer therapy" was accepted on Nat. Commun.
Congratulations on Jia-Hong Tian's paper "Macrocycle-based differential sensing: design strategies and applications" was accepted on Responsive Mater.
12th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-12)
Dec. 9 - 13, 2024, Prof. Dong-Sheng Guo attended 12th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-12) in Singapore and made an invited lecture.
Nankai University News reported the Professor Muhammad Raza Shah was invited to visit Nankai University and deliver a special lecture on "Supramolecular Approaches in Delivery Systems"
Congratulations on Ze-Tao Jiang, Jie Chen & Dr. Fang-Yuan Chen's paper "A FRET Autophagy Imaging Platform by Macrocyclic Amphiphile" was accepted on Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.